Apple Arkansas Black Spur Oct/Nov Large, late season apple w/ dark red skin. Great for dessert and cooking. 5 100
Braeburn Oct/Nov Superb variety from New Zealand. Green w/ dark red blush; very crisp and tangy. 10 180
Cox Orange Pippin Aug/early Sept Dessert apple. Flesh is firm and juicy with sweet rich aroma. No tartness. 5 100
Fuji mid Sept/ Oct Sweet, crisp flavorful. Dull reddish-orange skin. 10 150
Gala August/Sept Wonderful dessert apple. Skin is reddish orange, nice blend of sweet and tartness. 10 230
Golden Delicious Sept/Oct Crisp and sweet, long time favorite. 3 40
Granny Smith Oct/Nov Crispt and tart, green, very popular. 10 250
Gravenstein late July/early Aug Famous for sauce and baking, also used fresh. Crisp, juicy and tart. 5 100
Honey Crisp late Sept/late Oct Sweet, crispy and juicy. Excellent for eating and cooking. 10 200
Mutsu Sept/Oct Great for apple sauce. Crisp, flavorful, very large. 5 100
Pink Lady late Oct/early Nov Very crisp with sweet/tart flavor. Skin is reddish pink over green. 5 100
Red Fuji Sept/Oct Sweet, crisp and flavorful. Yellow, green base with a red blush. 5 100
Spitzenburg late Sept/late Oct Old variety, one of the best dessert apples. Red over yellowish skin. 5 100
Calville Blanc d' Hiver Sept/Oct 1 30
Ashmead Kernel Sept 3 65
Winesap Sept/Oct Red apple with juicy smooth texture and lively flavor. Great fresh or cooked. 5 100
Apricot Blenheim Late June/early July All-purpose freestone, sweet and flavorful. 8 60
Canadian White Blenheim Apricot Late June Extremely sweet white flesh with firm texture. 3 25
Harcot mid June/July Outstanding variety, medium to large freestone fruit. 8 100
Katy Early June Mild, sweet flavor. Yellow skin with slight red cheeck. 5 100
Moorpark July/ Aug Exceptionally rich flavor and aroma. 3 50
Royal Rosa Late May/June Sweet, low acid fine flavored fruit. 5 100
Shaa-Kar Pareh June/July The skin is white with a pink blush. Very sweet taste. 4 80
Tomcot Late May/Early June Large orange fruit with firm, sweet flesh. 3 80
Cherries Bing Late May/Mid June Large, firm, juicy, sweet - superb flavor. Nearly black when ripe. 5 150
Rainer Late May/Early June Large yellow fruit with red blush. Sweet, crisp and flavorful. 5 150
Royal Ann Late May/Early June Long-time favorite yellow sweet cherry for eating fresh or canning 12 250
Royal Rainer Late May/Early June Large yellow cherry with more red blush than rainer. Excellent flavor 3 50
Stella early to mid June Large, nearly black. Richly flavored sweet cherry. 5 50
Van Late May - mid June Fine fruit, large firm juicy and sweet. 3 50
Figs Black Jack Aug to Oct. Large, long purple fruit with strawberry colored flesh. Juicy with sweet flavor. 3 50
Black Mission Aug to Oct. Purplish black skin, strawberry colored flesh, rich flavor. 5 200
Celestial early summer and fall Firm, juicy, very sweet. Small to medium size with purplish-brown skin. 4 180
Flanders Aug to Oct. Violet striped fruit with white flecks. Richly flavored. 4 180
Improved Brown Turkey Aug-late Sept. Large fig with brown skin, pink flesh and sweet, rich flavor. Used fresh. 10 300
Kadota Aug to Oct. Light greenish yellow "white" skin, amber flesh. Very sweet. 8 250
Lattarula (Italian Honey Fig) Aug-Oct Greenish yellow fruit with sweet honey colored flesh. Good for fresh eating, canning or drying. 5 100
Osborne Prolific Aug to Oct. Large fruit w/purplish brown skin amber pulp and expecially pleasing flavor. 5 100
Panachee Tiger Aug to Oct. Especially fine flavor. Green color with yellow tiger stripes. 10 200
Peter's Honey Fig Aug to Oct. The skin is shiny, yellow green and the sweet flesh is amber colored. 5 30
White Genoa Aug to Oct. Medium fruit w/thin greenish-yellow skin and amber flesh with distinctive flavor. Best for fresh eating. 4 280
Nectarines Fantasia late July/early Aug Can be firm -ripe and tangy or soft ripe w/sweet rich flavor. 5 170
Flavortop mid July / Aug Firm, yellow freestone with excellent quality. 5 170
Snow Queen late June / July Sweet, juicy which freeston. Long time favorite in California. 5 100
Peaches Arctic Supreme late July/early Aug Sweet, tangy, exquisite flavor. 5 100
Babcock mid July / Aug White fleshed freestone fruit. Sweet and juicy. 7 130
Donut Late June/early July Sweet with a mild almond flavor. White Fleshed freestone fruit. 10 200
Earlitreat early May/June Medium sized, red over yellow skin. Yellow flesh and a sweet flavor. 5 280
Elberta late July/early Aug Yellow freestone with classic rich peach flavor. 4 120
Fantastic Elberta mid Aug/Sept Large, yellow freestone. Flavorful and firm. 5 140
Galaxy late June/July Sweet tasting white flest. Pleasantly firm texture, skin in light cream w/red blush. 5 140
Indian Blood Cling mid Aug/Sept Red skinned, red fleshed with rich flavor. Great for canning. 3 80
O'Henry mid to late Aug Large, with red skin and superb flavor. 3 80
Red Baron mid July/mid Aug Yellow freestone fruit is large, firm sweet, juicy and richly flavored. 3 80
Saturn Aug/Sept Large yellow freestone with juicy, sweet, fine-flavored flesh 5 130
Snow Beauty early-mid July/ Aug Low acid, high sugar, white fleshed fruit with tantalizing flavor. 5 140
Sweet Bagel Aug/Sept Flat donut shaped peach with yellow flest and classic peach flavor. 5 140
White Lady mid July/Aug White flesh,ed low acid, high sugar fruit. 3 100
Pears, European and Hybrid Bartlett mid Aug/Sept Large golden yellow fruit with smooth skin and classic pear shape. 10 300
Bosc mid to late Sept. Brown skin, long and narrow shape. Superb quality. 8 250
Comice late Sept/early Oct Sweet, aromatic with fine texture. Greenish yellow skkin w/ red blush. 10 300
D'anjou Sept/Oct large, short nexked, firm, good quality 8 250
Fan Stil Aug/Sept Medium, bell shaped fruit has crisp juicy white flesh and creamy yellow skin w/slight red blush. 5 200
Keiffer Sept/Oct Greenish yellow skin w/red blush. Crisp and juicy. Used for cooking and canning. 5 170
Seckel Aug/Sept Sweet, flavorful aromatic. Brown skin, a favorite. 5 140
Asian Pears 20th Century early to mid Aug/ Sept. Medium sized fruit with smooth thin skin. Juicy, sweet with mild flavor. 8 260
Chojuro mid Aug./Sept Medium sized fruit with think, russetted, golden brown skin. Crisp, firm with very sweet flavor. 5 280
Hosui early to mid Aug/Sept. Large, juicy, sweet, flavorful and refreshing. Brownish-orange skin russet type. 7 300
Kikusui mid Aug/Sept Medium sized juicy fruit with smooth greenish yellow skin. 5 200
Shinko Sept./Oct Russet type with greenish or golden brown skin. Sweet, crisp and flavorful. 5 200
Tsu Le Sept./Oct Medium to large pear shaped, yellow-green Chinese variety. Juicy and crisp with mild, excellent flavor. 4 40
Tsu Li Sept./Oct Medium to large pear shaped, yellow-green Chinese variety. Juicy and crisp with mild, excellent flavor. 4 40
Persimmons Chocolate late Oct-Nov Small to medium size with bright red skin. Sweet, spicy, firm brown flesh with superb flavor. 3 80
Coffeecake mid Sept-mid Oct Medium to large fruit with a unique, spicy-sweet flavor. 3 80
Fuyu mid Oct-mid Nov Medium sized, non-astringent with flat-shape. 15 280
Giant Fuyu mid Oct-mid Nov Large, juicy, and sweet. Not as flat as the fuyu. 5 140
Hachiya mid Nov to early Dec Large deep orange red, acorn shape. Sweet and flavorful. 8 80
Izu late Sept -Oct Very sweet, tasty fruit with round shape. 3 80
Saijo Nov /Dec Medium, yellow fruit. One of the sweetest persimmins. 3 80
Suruga early Nov/Dec Large red fruit with non-astringent flavor. 3 80
Plums and Prunes Autumn Rosa Plum early to late Sept./ Oct. Medium to large heart shaped fruit with purplish red skin. Solid, excellent flavor. 4 280
Beauty Plum June/July Sweet flavorful plum with red over yellow skin and amber flesh. 5 280
Burgundy Plum late July/mid August Sweet juicy and mild flavored fruit with maron colored skin and flesh. 5 300
Elephant Heart Plum Sept/Oct :arge heart shaped fruit with rich flavor and dark reddish-purple skin. 5 200
French Improved Prune Aug/Sept Very sweet, high quality fruit with reddish purple skin and dark amber flesh. 3 180
Italian Prune late Aug/early Sept Large purple skinnned freestone with rich flavor. Used fresh, dried or canned. 3 180
Santa Rosa Plum late June/ July Most popular plum in CA. Juicy, tangy flavorful amber flesh and tart, reddish purple skin. 10 400
Satsuma Plum late July/Aug Sweet mild, not tart. Great for jam. Maroon over green skin with dark red flesh. 10 300
Pomegranates Ambrosia Aug-Oct Pale pink skin, large fruit with sweet, tart juice. 5 300
Eversweet Aug-Oct Very sweet, virtually seedless fruit. Red skinned with sweet juicy pulp. 5 300
Granada Aug/Sept Resembles the Wonderful but has a darker color and is less tart. 5 300
Kashmir Blend Oct./ Nov Medium sized fruit with a light pinkish red exterior. Intense flavor with no overbearin acidic taste. 5 300
Pink Satin Oct./ Nov Medium to large, pinkish fruit with light pionk seed. Sweet, fruit punch flavor. 5 300
Red Silk Oct/ Nov Red silky exterior. Seeds have a sweet berry flavor. Eat fresh or use in cooking. 5 300
Sweet early Sept/Oct. Large, greenish pink fruit with light pink flesh; very sweet and juicy when ripe. 5 300
White early Sept./Oct. Large pink fruit with white transparent flesh. Fruit is very sweet and juicy. 5 300
Wonderful Fall Sept/Oct Large purple red fruit with delicious tangy flavor. 30 500
Interspecific Hybrids Flavor Delight Aprium early June/July Remarkable new apricot-plum hybrid. Resembles an apricot but with its own distinct flavor. 3 170
Flavorell Plumcot July/Aug Medium sized fruit w/transluscent golden color and an excellent flavor. 5 180
Dapple Dandy Pluot Aug/Sept Plum-apricot hybrid. Creamy white and red fleshd fruit with a sweet flavor. 10 400
Flavor Grenade Pluot mid Aug/Sept Elongated green fruit with a red blush. Crisp texture and explosive flavor. 3 100
Flavor King Pluot mid/late Aug Reddish purple skin with crimson flesh. Rich, spicy and sweet flavor with little or no tartness. 5 130
Flavor Queen Pluot mid July/Aug Wonderful Plum Apricot hybrid. Greenish yellow skin with amber orange flesh and a sweet flavor. With no tartness 5 130
Flavor Supreme Pluot mid July/Aug Medium sized plum apricot hybrid with a sweet, richly flavored red flesh and greenish maroon skin. 7 180
Splash Pluot July/Aug Small to medim sizedred orange colored fruit with very sweet orange flesh. 5 180
Miscellaneous Fruits Jujube, contorted Fall Sept/Oct Sweet apple like flavor. 3 50
Jujube, GA mid Fall Oct/Nov. Large elongated fruit with a sweet apple flavor. 3 50
Jujub, Lang Fall Sept/Oct Reddish brown fruit with sweet apple like flavor. 3 50
Jujubi, Li Fall Sept/Oct Round shaped fruits with sweet flavor. 3 50
Nuts: Almonds Nonpareil Aug-late Sept. The standard of quality for almonds. 5 100
Walnuts Chandler late Sept/early Oct High quality, light colored nuts. 5 100
Carmelo late Sept./early Oct 10 250
Franquette Sept/Oct Thin shelled, high quality nuts. 3 100
Hartley late Sept./early Oct High quality and dependable. Large, thin shelled nut with flavorful kernel. 4 100
Thomas Black mid Oct/ Nov Large round nut with semi-soft shell; delicious. 2 50
Cane Berries Blackberry Apache mid-late June Very large, high quality fruit. Glossy black, conical shaped fruit. 10 30
Blackberry, Black Butte late June/July Nearly twice the size of most blackberries. Firm fruit, great for fresh eating. 5 10
Blackberry, Black Satin Thornless July/ Aug Medium to large fruit withhoney sweet falvor. 5 10
Blackberry Chicksaw July/ Aug Fruit is long, cylindrical and slightly flattened in shape with a glossy blacck finsh. 5 10
Blackberry Dirksen Thornless July/ Aug Large, very sweet glossy black berries 5 10
Blackberrry Kiowa late June/July Large, attractive, glossy black fruit. 5 10
Blackberry, Marion mid July-mid Aug Medium to large, bright red to black, firm, very flavorful. 5 10
Blackberry, Navajo Thornless June/July Medium sized fruit with superior quality and a flavor that is less tart. 5 10
Blackberry, Olallie June/July Large, shiny, black firm fru. Sweet, less tart than others. 5 10
Grapevines, table grapes Black Monnukka Seedless early mid season Sept/Oct Large, purplish-black, sweet and crisp. 2 30
Concord Eastern mid - late season Sept/Oct Versatile grape, blue-black slip-skin berry with rich distinctive flavor. 2 30
Fantasy Seedless mid season Sept/Oct Large, bluish-black grape with pale green flesh. Sweet, superb quality. 3 50
Flame Seedless Ripens early Aug/Sept Medium sized light red with crisp, sweet excellent flavor. 2 50
Muscat of Alexandria late season Oct/Nov Large dull green, with juicy, distinctive flavor and aroma. 2 50
Perlette Seedless Ripens early Aug/Sept small to medium, thin skinned pale green berry is crisp and juicy. 2 50
Summer Muscat Seedless Grape late Aug/Sept Flavor is sweet with strong mmuscat flavo. 3 50
Thompson Seedless early - mid season Sept/Oct Pale green, very sweet, high quality. 3 50
Sour Cherries English Morrello July/Aug 5 50
Quince Orange Sept./Oct 3 0
Pineapple Sept./Oct 4 0
Smyrna Sept./Oct 3 0